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By: Hannah Simpson, M.Sc.
Ruminant Nutritionist

What is Agolin® Ruminant?
The Canadian dairy industry faces numerous challenges such as improving feed efficiency, enhancing animal health, as well as reducing our environmental impact. In attempt to address these challenges, feed additives such as Agolin® have been developed. Agolin® is a proprietary blend of plant extracts which modifies the efficiency of the rumen through the modification of fermentation within the rumen, as well as the first feed additive certified for methane reduction in ruminants. Recent research suggests reducing protozoa and archaea (methane producer in cows), as well as an increase in volatile fatty acids (VFA) is directly correlated to milk and component production (Noricumbo- Saenz et al. 2023) Additionally, a meta-analysis has shown when feeding Agolin®, there is a 4.1% increase in fat & protein corrected milk, a 5.5% improvement in feed conversion, a 3.6% increase in milk yield, as well as a 9% increase in fertility (*when measured as pregnant on 1st service) (Noricumbo-Saenz et al. 2023). Nutritionally, feeding Agolin® is an advantageous feeding practice to improve feeding efficiency, meaning a cow needs to consume less total feed to produce the same amount of milk. Additionally, Agolin® demonstrates effectiveness to reduce methane emissions by 9-13% per day. As we begin to work towards Net Zero by 2050, Carbon Credit programs have begun allowing producers to obtain Carbon Credits by feeding Agolin®.

Agolin chart.

Improving Feed Efficiency
One of the primary benefits of Agolin® is to improve feed efficiency in dairy cattle. Feed efficiency refers to an animal’s ability to convert feed to milk or meat. Having a higher feed efficiency means that less feed is required to produce the same amount of milk, which signicantly reduces feed costs. Agolin® can enhance feed efficiency through the stimulation of rumen microbes by the promotion of the growth of gut micro flora. The essential oils within Agolin® have been shown to modify rumen fermentation, leading to improved nutrient absorption and utilization within the cow. This methodology promotes increased energy extraction from the feed the cow is consuming, which improves overall health and performance.

Enhancing Rumen Health
Agolin® contains essential oils which play a significant role in improving digestive processes within the cow. These essential oils help to balance the microbial populations within the rumen, where fermentation occurs. Agolin® helps to create an optimal environment for fermentation by the promotion of beneficial rumen microbes and inhibiting harmful bacteria growth. With improved microbial populations, this leads to a more efficient breakdown of feed components including starch, protein and fiber. By promoting fiber digestion, cows can better utilize forages, which is a main component in lactating dairy cow rations. Additionally, improved digestion means there is less feed being excreted as undigested feed, contributing to improved manure management as well as a reduced environmental impact.

Reducing Methane Emissions
Methane emissions from dairy cows are commonly associated with greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and climate change. Although ruminants are uniquely able to efficiently convert human undigestible feed stuffs into highly digestible protein in the form of milk, beef and lamb, they do emit some GHGs in the process. Agolin® has been shown to reduce methane emissions in dairy cows. By altering the fermentation pathways within the rumen, methane production is decreased. Additionally, the reduction in methane improves feed efficiency as previously mentioned, since less energy is lost as methane.

What is a Carbon Credit?
A “Carbon Credit” is a tradeable certificate that will be purchased by a public or private organization and can be used to compensate for emissions, with one Carbon Credit representing one tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2) which is not being released into the atmosphere. Additionally, a credit is certified and can be bought and sold to a public or private organization within the value chain (insetting) or outside the value chain (offsetting).
Agolin® fed to dairy cows at 0.5-1.5g/cow/day reduces methane emissions at a rate which results in 0.4 Carbon Credit per cow per year! Producers who have fed Agolin® to their dairy cows for over a year have received a cheque for the carbon credits earned. The carbon credit program has been established by the suppliers of Agolin®, allowing producers to benefit from the carbon trading program without having to find their own market. The credit returns have typically covered about 50% of the cost of feeding the Agolin®.

Carbon credit selling process.

Agolin® is a valuable feed additive for any dairy operation, offering numerous benefits including enhanced feed efficiency, rumen function, methane reduction and overall cow health. Through the incorporation of essential oils & plant extracts, Agolin® provides a sustainable feed additive option to our industry. The economic advantages that Agolin® brings, coupled with the environmental benefits make Agolin® an option for dairy producers who are seeking to optimize their feeding programs, and contribute to sustainable agriculture practices.

Carbon credit selling process.

Contact your local Grand Valley Fortifiers representative to learn how you can maximize your profit and reduce carbon emissions on your farm today.

Noricumbo-Saenz, J., Williams, P., & Garcia, H. (2023). Agolin® Ruminant®, an Essential Oil Blend, Increases Energy-Corrected Milk and Feed Efficiency in a High Component Dairy Herd. Open Journal of Animal Sciences, 13(3), 272-282.

This article was written for the Fall 2024 Central & Atlantic Dairy Grist. To read the whole Dairy Grist, click the button below.