New Delivery Tracking Service from Grand Valley Fortifiers
This new service now allows our customers to track their GVF premix orders in real-time. This service has been created to allow for easier management of your busy days. By knowing exactly when your order is going to arrive you can maximize your efficiency and be on-site to receive the delivery if needed, without wasting valuable time not knowing when your order is going to arrive.

GVF Active Alert
GVF Active Alert is a powerful option to track your order. Once you’ve signed up, this new service will send you delivery updates, via text message or e-mail, on the status of your delivery. Text or email notifications are programmed to be sent once the truck leaves the GVF yard with an initial ETA, 45 minutes prior to your delivery, when the truck arrives at your farm and once the delivery has been made. Text and e-mail frequency can also be customized to your preference. To sign up for this service on all future orders please call GVF Customer Service at 1-800-567-4400 or click here to e-mail us. Please note that standard text message and data rates apply as per your personal mobile phone plan. This service is only available for all deliveries shipped on our GVF delivery trucks. This service is not available for GVF orders delivered on our partner, Floradale Feed Mill trucks or for DSC orders.
Current Biosecurity Level
- Dairy
- Beef
- Poultry
- Swine
Threat Levels Protocols
The following charts briefly describe some of the protocols and precautions that are in place to protect our customers from bio-security hazards. At Grand Valley Fortifiers we take bio-security extremely seriously and are always working to provide the best and safest possible environment for our customers and their livestock.
Click one of the tabs below to learn more about each Biosecurity level:
• Truck Washing: Daily, off-site, disinfect prior to returning to GVF. Wash between stops if necessary and/or at CFIA designated locations.
• Ramps & Carts: No cart use for bags or drums.
• Driver’s Boots and/or Clothing: Each day starts with a clean change of clothes. On farm, before exiting or re-entering the driver’s door area disinfect soles of footwear. Upon exiting the cab and before setting foot on the ground driver to apply boot coverings. Boot coverings are to be replaced as necessary throughout the delivery before they are worn through. A new pair of boot coverings (that do not touch the ground or bumper) to be applied each time the truck box is accessed. Boot coverings to be disposed of inside a clean plastic boot bag or garbage bag and disposed of at the off-site wash location or at GVF in the designated garbage bin(s).
• Hand/gloves Sanitation: Wear disposable gloves and/or gloves that can be disinfected. Disinfect gloves if utilized during the delivery. Before entering or re-entering the cab cleanse hands with hand sanitizer. Disposable gloves to be disposed of into a clean plastic boot or garbage bag and disposed of at off site wash location or at GVF in the designated garbage bin(s)
• Mini Pallet Return: Mini Pallets may not be returned.
• Invoices & Delivery Tickets: All paperwork to be left on farm and within close proximity to the delivery.
• Drums: Drums can not be delivered as ramps are not being utilized.
• Blow Pipes: Ideally use customer supplied blow pipes. If no blow pipes are supplied, use GVF pipes. Every possible caution needs to be taken to keep the pipe as bio-secure as possible. If necessary, use blow pipe covers to help keep the pipes from becoming soiled. Blow down pipe and spray with GVF approved disinfectant before putting back into the vehicle compartment.
• Product Returns: No product returns will be accepted at this time.
• Disposal of Plastic/Blue Boot Covers: preferably all disposable items used during delivery will be left on farm to be disposed of. Or drivers are to place items in a clean plastic boot or garbage bags and disposed of at the designated off-site locations where the truck is washed or at GVF in the designated garbage bin(s).
• On Farm: Stay within close proximity of the truck, do not enter any building on the farm that houses animals. Call ahead with E.T.A. to inform the customer of the delivery and to receive any delivery instructions. Only use designated access points to farm. If available review customer specific site plan to know where you can travel on farm. Follow customer specific and/or CFIA specific on farm protocols.
• Food: Delivery staff must consume all food in food service establishments or in the cab of their vehicle, never on-farm or in the box of the truck.
• Ramps & Carts: Limited use – only on non-affected species farms. Always follow customer specific protocols with regards to using of cart.
• Driver’s Boots and/or Clothing: Each day started with a clean change of clothes. Upon exiting the cab and before setting foot on the ground driver to apply boot coverings. Boot coverings are to be replaced as necessary throughout the delivery before they are worn through. A new pair of boot coverings (that do not touch the ground or bumper) to be applied each time they enter the truck box. Boot coverings to be disposed of inside a clean plastic boot bag or garbage bag and disposed of at GVF.
• Hand/Glove Sanitation: before re-entering the cab of the truck cleanse hands with hand sanitizer and/or disinfect gloves.
• Mini Pallet Return: mini pallets may be returned from non-affected species farms following GVF pallet return protocol.
• Invoices & Delivery Tickets: leave all paperwork on farm according to customer’s requirements without causing further exposure to areas of the farm not previously accessed.
• Drums: may only be unloaded with the ramp by landing them on two compost mats, the customer is responsible for transporting them further onto the farm.
• Blow Pipes: use customer supplied blow pipes if available, if not then blow off pipes and spray with GVF approved disinfectant before putting back into the truck.
• Product Returns: non-soiled products may be returned to GVF provided it has not been in a building that houses animals and has been authorized by GVF or Farmacy staff.
• Disposal of Plastic / Boot Covers: bags of disposable items worn on farm are to be disposed of at GVF in the designated garbage bin
• On Farm: Always follow customer specific on farm protocols combined with GVF’s.
• Food: Delivery staff must consume all food in food service establishments or in the cab of their vehicle, never on-farm or in the box of the truck.
• Ramps & Carts: full use, always follow customer specific on farm protocols with regards to use of cart. Always clean and disinfect after each use.
• Driver Boots and/or Clothing: always follow customers specific on farm protocol – weather, safety, and conditions permitting. If used, plastic boots should be disposed of into a clean plastic boot or garbage bag and disposed of at GVF in the designated garbage bin.
• Hands / Glove Sanitation: cleanse hands and disinfect gloves as necessary.
• Mini Pallet Return: mini pallets may be returned following GVF pallet return protocol.
• Invoice & Delivery Ticket: leave all paperwork on farm according to customer’s requirement.
• Drums: may be unloaded and placed on farm using the cart and ramp.
• Blow Pipes: try to keep pipes as clean as possible during the delivery and if necessary, sweep off and disinfect before putting back into the vehicle compartment.
• Product Returns: non-soiled products may be returned to GVF provided it has been authorized by GVF or Farmacy staff.
• Disposal of Plastic / Boot Covers: disposable items worn on farm are to be disposed should be disposed of at GVF in the designated garbage bin.
• On Farm: follow customer specific protocol.
Meet the Delivery Team

Driving for GVF
since 1980

Driving for GVF
since 1994

Driving for GVF
since 2003

Driving for GVF
since 2014

Van Daalen
Driving for GVF
since 2006

Driving for GVF
since 1990

Driving for GVF
since 1988

Driving for GVF
since 1986

Driving for GVF
since 2024