On-Farm Manufacturing of Poultry Feeds.
For more than 60 years, Grand Valley Fortifiers has been helping to develop and revolutionize the poultry industry by teaching Poultry Farmers how to manufacture high-quality poultry feeds on-farm, utilizing their own grains. GVF is now actively providing Poultry Farmers in Ontario, the Maritimes and in the United States with advanced animal nutrition products for improved human health. While our range of poultry nutrition products is continually updated and improved our goal of enabling producers to obtain the best possible production, at the lowest possible cost, remains the same. Learn more about our BioForce® and Natures Blend® products below. All our poultry products are designed to optimize production while minimizing the environmental footprint of the poultry farm.
Product Line

Layer Premixes
BioForce® Layer Premixes are formulated to provide optimum nutrition for today’s modern, prolific egg-producing hens. See the difference that BioForce® Layer Premixes can make in your barn. For Sound Nutrition and Excellent Results at an economical price, BioForce® Layer Premixes are the right choice for your birds.
Features & Benefits
- Designed for commercial egg-producing hens.
- Enriched with high levels of vitamins and trace minerals for peak production and persistence of hens.
- Contains phytase to improve nutrient digestibility of feeds and reduce phosphorus effluent in the environment.
- Contains a high quality, stable Phytase Enzyme to improve the digestibility of phosphorus in grains and legumes; thereby reducing effluent phosphorus and the poultry operations environmental footprint.
- Provides excellent gut health for great flock livability.
Products Available
- BioForce® Layer 100
- BioForce® Layer 25
- BioForce® Layer 10
Trial Data
Number of Hens Housed | 75,000 |
Number of Eggs/Hens | 340.8 |
Average Egg Production | 93.15% |
Weeks in Production | 51 |
Cracks | 3.66% |
Average Daily Feed Intake (g/d) | 106.52 |

Breeder Layer
BioForce® Breeder Layer Premixes are formulated to provide optimum nutrition for today’s layer or broiler breeders. For Sound Nutrition, Excellent Results at an Economical Price, BioForce® Breeder Layer Premixes are the right choice.
Features & Benefits
- This group of premixes are designed to be used for feeding layer or broiler breeders. Producing eggs for hatching layer pullets or broiler chicks.
- Contains higher levels of Vitamin K, Pyridoxine, Pantothenic Acid, Vitamin B12, Biotin and Vitamin D.
- Contains a compliment of minerals to optimize hatchability.
Products Available
- BioForce® Breeder Layer 100
- BioForce® Breeder Layer 25
- BioForce® Breeder Layer 10
Trial Data
Number of Broiler Breeder Hens Housed | 25,000 |
Age at Peak Production (weeks) | 29.5 |
Production at Peak | 87.2% |
Average Egg Production | 67.5% |
Weeks in Production | 40 |
Fertility | 91.5% |
Hatchability | 88.4% |
Chicks/Hens Housed | 144.2 |
Average Daily Feed Intake (g/d) | 162. 5 |
Hen Livability | 96.4% |

Layer Pullet
BioForce® Layer Pullet Premixes provide optimum nutrition to grow & develop today’s fast-growing high performance commercial layers. For Sound Nutrition, Excellent Results at an Economical Price, BioForce® Layer Premixes are the right choice. Formulated for excellent skeletal and body frame development which is the foundation of maximizing egg production and shell quality.
Features & Benefits
- This line of premixes have been designed to be fed to developing pullets destined for commercial egg-laying production.
- Promotes excellent body frame and skeletal bone density.
- Highly fortified with B-vitamins and trace minerals.
- Contains gut acidifiers to promote the development of good intestinal microbiota in the gastrointestinal tract.
- Contains phytase to improve nutrient digestibility of feeds and reduce phosphorus effluent in the environment.
- Contains a high quality, stable Phytase Enzyme to improve the digestibility of phosphorus in grains and legumes; thereby reducing effluent phosphorus and the poultry operations environmental footprint.
- Provides excellent gut health for great flock livability.
Products Available
- BioForce® Layer Pullet 35
- BioForce® Layer Pullet 10

Bionic® Oil Blend is a rich, golden vegetable oil blend that is highly digestible and designed to be used as an energy supplement for poultry and swine. Bionic® Oil is an excellent source of Omega-3 essential fatty acids and is made from 100% vegetable oil, eliminating the concern for possible contamination of viruses or disease transfer from alternative animal fat based products. Bionic® Oil Blend smells great and does not coagulate at room temperature, significantly improving the palatability of all rations it’s applied to. Bionic® Oil Blend is a Grand Valley Fortifiers original product that has proven its value over many years. Bionic® Oil Blend is delivered in a custom designed liquid tanker truck, directly to your farm. The truck driver can either supply a 45 gallon drum and fill it on-site or he can fill a tank you already have on farm. If you’re looking to boost the energy of your rations and improve palatability give Bionic® Oil a try today. A convenient 20 L trial jug is available and can be easily added to your next premix order.
- An excellent source of high quality, digestible energy for poultry diets from a unique blend of vegetable oils.
- An excellent source of Omega 3 essential fatty acids provided in a balanced omega 3/ Omega 6 ratio for consistent results and optimized health.
- Specially formulated for all poultry species.
- Stabilized with antioxidants to prevent rancidity during storage.
- Bionic® Oil Blend is made from all vegetable sources, eliminating possible contamination with disease-causing organisms which can occur from fats and tallows of animal origin.
- Published research has shown vegetable oils to be an excellent source of energy for rapidly growing poultry and layer birds, higher in digestible and metabolizable energy, compared to tallow.
- Increases the energy density of feeds.
- Improved palatability of feeds for your chickens.
- Improved feed conversion and average daily gain.
- Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to optimize the immune system.