Milking Nutrition
Let us help you build the lactating nutrition program that’s right for your herd.
Learn more about our milking nutrition products below.
Milking Cow Premixes

Developed with your cow’s optimal nutrition and performance in mind, EcoLac® Dairy premixes contain specially selected ingredients and are the backbone of all Grand Valley Fortifiers Lactating premixes. EcoLac® products have been developed to maximize cow health, milk production and feed intake all while reducing the cost of producing a litre of milk.

• Higher levels of Vitamin E for reproduction and immunity
• Optimum phosphorus levels for lactation and farm nutrient management
• Available in bags or bulk (2 tonnes or greater)
• Custom formulation and consultation available through Grand Valley Fortifiers Nutrition Direct
• On-farm forage sampling and analysis available
Facing a unique challenge?
Talk to your GVF Dairy Specialist or call us today and ask about our selection of on-farm performance additives.

Millennium® Dairy Premixes are the premium line of Grand Valley Fortifiers dairy premixes and contain organic chelated minerals, selenium yeast, biotin, essential vitamins and RS2 Yeast specially selected from suppliers around the world to provide optimum milk production and health. Millennium® Dairy Premixes include two specialty nutrition packs to help improve hoof health and reproduction:

• Repro Pak – formulated for improved reproduction, stronger immune system and udder health

Research proven; increasesfeed intake, fibre digestion, milk and butterfat yields

Bionic® Dairy Premixes contain research proven organic additives including RS² yeast, organic chelated minerals and selenium yeast.

• Research-proven additives including live yeast, chelated minerals, and selenium
• Higher levels of Vitamin E for lactation and immunity
• Optimum phosphorus levels for lactation and farm nutrient management
• Improved foot health, udder health, and reproduction.
• Increased feed efficiency and cow health as a result of increased production.
Robotic Milking Pellets

Just as the technology for milking robots has improved over the years so has the feeding technology we’ve developed for them. These updated Robolac™ Robotic Milking Nutrition products have been modified to help producers increase profitability on their farms all while keeping pellet quality in mind. These modified formulas are created with a balanced supply of good quality protein and energy fractions in order to better meet the needs of lactating dairy cows:

Speak to your GVF Dairy Specialist to determine the right feed for your herd.
Robolac™ 16% Dairy Supplement Pellets
Robolac™ 17% Dairy Supplement Pellets
Robolac™ 18% Dairy Ration Pellets
Robolac™ 20% Dairy Ration Pellets
Robolac™ 32% Dairy Supplement Pellets
Robolac™ Mash 17% Dairy Supplement

For more than 60 years, Grand Valley
Fortifiers has been helping to develop and
revolutionize the dairy industry.
GVF is now actively providing Dairy Farmers across Canada with advanced animal nutrition products for improved human health.